Body Treatments


Radiofrequency + Ultrasound Cacitation + Vacu Massage + Jade Light Energy – 

Our body contouring treatment amalgamates four technologies in one combating both lose skin and fat reduction thus delivering great results faster.

Studio Figura machine utilises radiofrequency together with ultrasound, damaging fat cells beneath the skin, thus increasing metabolic activity and shrinking the fat cells without surgery, anaesthetic or even downtime.

Vacu massage included in the treatment stimulates the lymphatic system and helps your body to remove damaged fat cells reducing body volume.

Simultaneously, the procedure strengthens and stimulates collagen, which firms and tightens the skin, resulting in an overall improved, toned look.

Electrostimulation uses electrical impulses at high and low frequencies to stimulate the nerve endings in the muscles, causing the contracting and relaxing of the muscles. This helps to tone muscle, build muscle, re-shape body contours, prevent flaccidity, aids weight loss and helps with pain relief.

The treatment dubbed by many as “the alternative to a gym workout”.

Pressotherapy lymphatic drainage – Brilliant body slimming and shaping method that gives you quick result. 

The benefits are: body shaping, inch loss, body toning, detox, better metabolism, cellulite reduction, hormonal balance, relaxation and more!

Infrared light therapy  is an effective tool for natural healing and prevention. A session in infrared sauna blanket will: relax and calm your nerves, regenerate the cells of your body, including skin, muscle, brain. Detoxify your body, improve blood and lymph circulation. Improve your metabolism and help with the weight loss. Infrared sauna heat penetrates tissue, joints and muscles to relieve anything from minor aches and pains to chronic pain conditions such as fibromayalgia. Scientific research has concluded that infrared therapy greatly enhances the skin’s healing process by promoting faster cell regeneration and human tissue growth. Human cell growth increases to repair wounds and prevent infection.

Infrared light has the ability to penetrate human tissue which in turn produces a host of anti-aging health benefits making infrared saunas one of the “hottest” therapies for overall healthier living. If you want to get yourself back into balance, the benefits of an infrared sauna may be just what you need to achieve your wellness goals.

Body Spa

Chocolate Pleasure

Is a real banquet for the skin. Starting with exfoliation will invigorate a dull skin and increase the metabolic process preparing it for next treatments. Aromatic mask will nourish and regenerate the skin, improve blood circulation and tone the skin. Intensified with the infrared light and massage will fight the cellulite and break the fat tissue. Great for everyone who wants to improve the skin texture and tone, after pregnancy and dieting. Amazing Chocolate aroma will relax and balance senses and make you happier thanks to increased endorphin’s production.

Slimming and detoxifying Raspberry and Guarana 

Raspberry and Brazilian Bio-Caffeine from Guarana will detox and slim your body and smooth your skin reducing cellulite. This complex treatment starts with exfoliation which will invigorate a dull skin and increase the metabolic process preparing it for next treatments. Aromatic mask will tone the skin and improve blood circulation, intensified with the infrared light and lymphatic massage will fight the cellulite and break the fat tissue. Amazing raspberry aroma will help to relax and balance senses.

Toning bandage wrapping – Velvet skin

Powerful skin toning and lifting treatment with active ingredients which will improve micro-circulation, revitalize, hydrate your skin living it more toned and elastic. The treatment starts with exfoliation followed by aromatic mask and packed with active ingredients bandage wrapping, intensified by infrared light therapy. The treatment finish with vigorous, aromatic toning massage.

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