Face treatments

Radio-frequency is a highly effective, non-invasive skin tightening solution to target any fine lines and wrinkles, helping to lift the jowls by tightening and firming the loose skin for a better defined and youthful jawline. The quick and painless treatment is highly effective in generating energy to heat up the tissue at a much deeper level, encouraging collagen production and elastin. You get an immediate tightening of the collagen fibres, so it’s great to do before an event, but it also gives a long-lasting lift and increased volume. It also continues to promote collagen production over the four-six weeks following a treatment.

Face massage with chinese cupping element (anti age and lymphatic)
Anti age massage makes the skin look smoother and younger. Relax the muscles, improves blood and lymph circulation, increases the production of collagen and elastin. Reveals your beauty.
Lymphatic massage improves the lymph and blood circulation, detox your skin. It is very helpful in the fight against swelling, puffy eyes and blocked sinuses.

Detoxifying and regenerating face treatment designed especially for gray, tired,  hypoxic skin exposed to pollution and other bad urban factors. The treatment detoxify the skin, deeply hydrate and nourish the skin, making it more toned and regenerated. Has strong antioxidant action and stimulates the production of the collagen.  Main active ingredients are snail extract, active charcoal and magnetite. The treatment includes ultrasonic and LED light procedures.

Galvanic Treatment – This facial can be considered a ‘non-surgical face lift’. This treatment involves the use of a device that uses low-level galvanic (electric) current to facilitate the transport of key ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin for improved cleansing, hydration, circulation, and radiance

Collagen/Hyaluronic acid face treatment A collagen facial is a treatment designed to restore the depleted collagen in your face and rejuvenate your skin. Ultimately, a collagen facial will slow down the ageing process by replenishing your body’s natural proteins through external applications. Hyaluronic acid will deeply hydrate your skin helping to lift and tone your skin. 

Express facial – is personalized according to your skin needs.

LED light therapy is the use of clinically proven wavelengths of UV-free LED lights for the treatment of skin conditions. LED light therapy is a painless skin-care treatment that can boost collagen production and treat acne as well as a host of other benefits. “LED” stands for light-emitting-diodes and the treatment was first developed by NASA. The treatment works by emitting light that is absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin. LED results are clinical proven and whilst the results are not as dramatic as plastic surgery or laser treatments, it is gentler, more natural, less expensive and offers zero downtime.

Red light increase collagen production, restore cell function, provide essential energy for cellular renewal, nutrition and removal of waste material.

Blue light destroys p-acne bacteria. Minimizes redness and irritation.

Green light combines the function of the red and blue lights. Regulates melanin production, reduces pigmentation.

Yellow light activates toxin elimination, improves decongestion, soothing.

We can use a combination of lights for different goals. It can be stand alone treatment as well as an add on to other treatments.